Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's a rainy Thursday...

Thursday morning. As I sit here at the kitchen table with my big mug of coffee, I watch the leaves fall. Winter is just around the corner. The holiday season is just around the corner. However, Emma will be 8 years old in December. Hard to believe. Seems like yesterday I just had her.

Emma has grown up quicker then I wanted her to. She is doing very well in school. Which, of course, makes momma proud. Oh so tender hearted. Cries at the drop of a hate or a look. My sweet little angel. I can not imagine life without her. I was blessed the day she was born.

Ben! Oh my dear son Ben. He has grown into a young man whom I am very proud of. He finished college a few years ago. Actually working in his field of study. Unlike some college graduates. He is the son every mother hopes for. Kind hearted and willing to do anything for anyone. I say his dad and I did pretty good. Of course, his grandma's stern hand had some doing in there somewhere along the line.

This is a election year. Boy, there sure is some serious politices being dicussed each and every day. I just want what is best for my children. They are the ones who have their lives ahead of them. Do not get me wrong, I still have a few years left in me. I would love for the school levy to pass so that Emma could learn in a new school. But is that what is right for Ashland. I guess I will have to wait and see. I know how I voted.

The whole Presidential campaign! So ready for it to be over. Tired of the commercials, mailings, telephone calls, (thank the telephone company for caller ID) and all the name calling. Tired of people saying he is better because of this. Or he is better because of this. My dad would of made a better President, and he was deaf. At least he wouldn't of had to listen to all the name calling and bull crap. November 6th can not get here soon enough. Pray for the United States as the decision is made and that it's the right one for the future of our children.

Eye doctor appointments for Emma and I. Emma's teacher, Mrs. Harlan, love her! Called and said Emma is having trouble seeing the Smart Board. So here we come eye doctor. Hoping and praying that she does not need glasses at this young age. But, on the other hand, need to know why she can not see the Smart Board.

Well, I am out of here. It's off to look for the dead. Still working on my Genealogy. It is amazing where my family came from. Even in Ohio. Makes you wonder how they met each other. I wish my grandparents were still around so I could question them. My aunts and uncles have been a lot of help. I have one Great-Aunt left, bless her heart, trying to remember what she could about the Whipple/Snyder side of the family. Do not worry Aunt Pat, I am figuring it all out with what information you did provide. I thank you so much for it.

Everyone have a great Thursday. The weekend is almost here. Celebrating my little nephew Kobe's 2nd birthday on Saturday. Just love him to pieces. Oh what noisy toy to buy him.

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