Saturday, October 27, 2012

Had to turn my heat back on

Another cold rainy Saturday. Glad I do not have to leave the house for anything. It's a jammie kind of day for Emma and I. Jim is at a swap meet in Fremont. Looking for Quick Changes. Those boys and their toys. My purses and shoes do not cost anywhere close to his hot rod parts.

Well, the leaves were done this week. Thank you Tyler! However, with this wind and rain it does not look like they were done. But on the bright side, most of the trees are almost bare. Even the ole mighty oaks. They hang on forever and ever. Leaves hang on to their branches all through winter.

Has anyone noticed all the acorns, hickory nuts, walnuts, etc. nuts on the ground this year. I Googled it. Expect a HARSH Winter. Not what I wanted to hear. I hate winter. I hate the cold. I hate snow. I want HEAT!!!!!

Ben will be home Friday. Another job interview. Let's hope he gets this one considering the president of the company emailed me wanting to know if he had found work in Ohio yet. Keeping my fingers, toes, and whatever else I can crossed. I want my son home before the holidays. We are cutting it close but I think this is the one. I can feel it in my bones. And I have been praying a lot that he comes home to his family.

Ok, on to this teaching myself to run. Not working out to well. No pain, no gain. Well I was in pain. I got blisters on the back of my heals. Bleeding by the time I got home. I got blood on my new shoes. Now the nice warm weather is over and I didn't get back out. So today I am going to run up and down the basement stairs until I can't do it no more. Wish me luck that I don't fall down them. Or up them. Haha. I can be clumsy at times.

Laundry calls! And so do the basement stairs. So time to get my heart rate up.

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