Friday, March 22, 2013

First quarter of college under my belt

After being out of school for almost 30 years, I went back to school. I am doing it totally online. Which I love. I do not have to be in class at any certain time. I just log in and do my assignments. It is so accommodating.

I am on break until April 8th. Much needed. My first quarter was 14 credit hours. All I was doing was homework and reading. Next quarter I am only signed up for 12 credit hours. I am hoping those two hours will make a difference. We shall see.

Emma starts Spring break this coming Friday. So we are going to build a 1000 piece puzzle while she is home. Thanks Jody, for letting us borrow it. Emma needs some momma time. She said she doesn't like me going to online college because I do not have any time for her. She is right.

However, in my defense, I am doing it so that her and I can have a better life down the road. I do not want to be dependent of another person. I want to be the independent person that I know that I enjoy being. I want to be my own person.

So now to busy myself until school starts back up. I highly recommend to anyone who is thinking about going back to school to give online schooling a chance. I am so looking forward to my completion even though it is over 3 years away. But I will have a Bachelors degree, something that I never thought possible for me.