Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This needs to be in the schools system budget, seems pretty cheap to me to save a life of a teen.

Support our Saving Teen Lives Campaign

SPEA teaches teens to be the “first line of defense” in preventing suicide with its proven program, Recognizing Teen Depression and Preventing Suicide, which is now delivered in 111 high schools to 15,000 teens per year.  Teens often come forward to SPEA’s professional instructors to report symptoms of depressive illness or thoughts of suicide.  One in five of our high school youth seriously consider suicide — the second cause of death for Ohio teens.
Half of all lifetime cases of mental disorders begin by age 14.  Teens with healthy minds can live healthy, productive lives!
Help us reach our Saving Teen Lives Campaign goal of $73,000 by December 31.

10 Ways to Be an Upstander......

10 Ways to Be an Upstander

1.  Help others who are being bullied.
Be a friend, even if this person is not yet your friend. Go over to them. Let them know how you think they are feeling. Walk with them. Help them to talk to an adult about what just happened. (Just think for a moment about how great this would be if someone did this for you when you were being picked on or hurt!)
2. Stop untrue or harmful messages from spreading.
If someone tells you a rumor that you know is untrue or sends you a message that is hurtful to someone else, stand up and let the person know this is wrong. Think about how you would feel if someone spread an untrue rumor about you. Don’t laugh, send the message on to friends, or add to the story. Make it clear that you do not think that kind of behavior is cool or funny.
3. Get friends involved.
Share this site www.schoolclimate.org/bullybust and other related sites with friends. Let people know that you are an upstander and encourage them to be one too. Sign the Stand Up Pledge, and make it an everyday commitment for you and your friends.
4. Make friends outside of your circle.
Eat lunch with someone who is alone. Show support for a person who is upset at school, by asking them what is wrong or bringing them to an adult who can help.
5. Be aware of the bullying policy at your school and keep it in mind when you witness bullying.
If there isn’t a policy, get involved or ask teachers or front office staff to speak about how you can reduce bullying.
6. If someone is new at your school, make an effort to introduce them around and make them comfortable.
Imagine how you would feel leaving your friends and coming to a new school.
7. Refuse to be a “bystander”.
If you see friends or classmates laughing along with the bully, tell them that they are contributing to the problem. Let them know that by laughing they are also bullying the victim.
8. Respect others’ differences and help others to respect differences.
It’s cool for people to be different – that’s what makes all of us unique. Join a diversity club at school to help promote tolerance in your school.
9. Ask your teacher or principal to develop a bullying program or project that will help reduce bullying in school.
Ask them to bring together a team of students, parents and teachers to meet as “Stand Up Ambassadors” to talk about bullying on a regular basis and share stories and support. Talk about the “hot spots” where bullying most likely occurs (ex. the bus, bathroom, an unmonitored hallway) and what can be done on a school level to make sure students and teachers are on the same page about bullying.
10. Learn more about bullying.
For example: Why do kids bully? Where does bullying take place most often in your school? What are the effects of bullying? Why are people afraid to get involved? Understanding this information will help you if you are bullied and will help you to stand up to bullies if a friend or classmate is being bullied.
From BullyBust by the National School Climate Center. Sign the Stand Up Pledge at www.schoolclimate.org/bullybust

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Elf on a Shelf ideas......

101 Elf On The Shelf Ideas

Has your family adopted the Elf on a Shelf tradition but find that you are running out of crazy fun ideas each year? To help keep the tradition alive, I’ve listed 101 things your Elf can do this season.

1. Marshmallow fight – marshmallows everywhere
2. Pillow fight – feathers everywhere
3. Nerf gun fight – darts everywhere
4. Laundry fight – clothes everywhere
5. Lipstick on mirror message
6. Crepe paper barricade on their bedroom door that they have to bust through
7. Rearrange story books in ABC order or in a pile of disarray
8. Clean closet or make mess of closet
9. Fill tub with bubbles till the point of explosion
10. Hang from shower nozzle with a towel on
11. Unroll toilet paper roll on the floor, around Christmas tree, etc.
12. Zip down a zip line through the house
13. Caught sneaking candy
14. Eat milk and cookies
15. Organize school clothes – mismatched haha
16. Write a message on the on the snow covered car window
17. Create a paper chain with a bit of a mess to show for it
18. Hang child’s unmentionables on the Christmas tree
19. Hang from chandelier or ceiling fan
20. Make faces on school pictures with a marker
21. Take a spin in toy car/remote control car
22. Play board game with stuffed animal friends or action figures
23. Tea party with stuffed animal friends
24. Read book, newspaper, e-reader, ipad, computer, etc
25. Listen to child’s ipod
26. Play child’s DS/itouch
27. Play video games
28. Draw picture
29. Color in coloring book
30. Dump toybox
31. Create a block tower
32. Switch as out closet clothes (i.e. take chunk of child’s clothes and switch with chunk of sibling or parents clothes) or switch out dresser drawer clothes
33. Hide rocks in shoes
34. Hide one shoe
35. Sit in shoe, holding shoe laces as if going on a sleigh ride
36. Turn everyone shoes into superhero shoes 
37. Plant magic seeds with directions to water once a day. On 3rd day something will grow. Secretly plant lollipops on 3rd day.
38. Make cookies – flour everywhere
39. Make Reindeer food
40. Turn toilet water blue
41. Turn milk blue
42. Take picture of child sleeping
43. Hang out on child’s bedpost
44. Knit a scarf or hat
45. Make paper airplanes and fly them around the house
46. Park the car backwards, down the street, crooked, etc.
47. Put toothbrushes in toilet or clean toilet with toothbrushes– yuck (make sure new standbys are waiting in the wings)
48. Type /write an amazing letter of all the wonderful qualities your Elf has witnessed of your child!!!!!!!!
49. Have a package arrive via UPS/US Postal Service – new clothes for your Elf ordered by yours truly.
50. Hide parents phone, keys, or mom’s blow dryer
51. Recreate your family tree that now includes your Elf
52. Nothing. If your elf didn’t move overnight then perhaps their behavior contributed to their elf not moving.
53. Fold clothes, empty dishwasher, vacuum
54. Dust, sweep kitchen
55. Rake leaves/shovel or play in the snow
56. Dance party – music playing & stuffed friends dancing
57. Game day – playing soccer, baseball, basketball, dance, gymnastics, karate, etc in the house
58. Complete child’s homework or add pictures on homework
59. Make phone call
60. Drink Pepsi & milk
61. Run on treadmill/ ride exercise bike
62. Sew on sewing machine
63. Play cards
64. Learn multiplication facts
65. Play dress up – wearing mini homemade reindeer ears, etc.
66. Cover a room with Post-it notes on EVERY wall
67. Watch movie with popcorn & remote control
68. Build something great with Legos
69. Change all clock times
70. Take all the kitchen cabinet knobs off
71. Unscrew all the light blubs
72. Lock car keys in the car (parents have to have good acting skills & time on their side)
73. Tear up child’s old homework
74. Have a friend or relative call child thanking them for your Elf’s white elephant gift(child’s missing toy, clothes, artwork, etc)
75. Skype a friend/family member as your child is waking up (get someone to play along)
76. Cut coupons
77. Wrap gifts or cut up wrapping paper
78. Cut out toy pictures from toy catalog
79. Try on mom’s jewelry
80. Elf packs school lunches but mixes up everyone lunches (each child receives siblings lunch – great conversation piece at dinner)
81. Short sheet child’s sheets – ha ha
82. Cool off a cup of HOT chocolate with a stationary fan
83. Elf writes his own X-mas list – Elf clothes, Mrs. Elf, candy, etc.
84. Create a scavenger hunt for the kids with clues leading to mischief
85. Leave paper trail (or dog food trail) through house
86. Hang wet clothes on clothesline outside– especially funny in colder climates because their clothes will be stiff
87. Build a family fort with a name on the front
88. Wrap a new gift for the kids to open – exciting and thoughtful
89. Turn all the kitchen chairs backwards
90. Turn all the breakfast plates upside down
91. Swing on outdoor swing set – chilly
92. Sit by warm fire – cozy
93. Sit on toilet OUTSIDE on front lawn –if you happen to have an extra toilet being stored
94. Cover lawn with Easter decorations such as plastic eggs
95. Fill room with lots of balloons or hang them from ceiling
96. Build snowman
100.Write a message in the snow (better for little ones who won’t notice the obvious footprints)
101.Pin fluffy tail on the back of child’s pjs while sleeping –great for hard sleepers
Which ones will your Elf do this season?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

This is so sad......

If you're having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online.
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The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee | www.elephants.com | e - Trunklines Monthly
Tarra with her beloved dog, Bella
My dear friends,

I write to you with very sad news. Tarra's little dog Bella has died. We found her body on Wednesday and have been dealing with the aftermath ever since, trying to work out what happened while we look after Tarra and each other.

We noticed Bella was not with Tarra at breakfast on Tuesday and later that morning she still had not appeared. Tarra and Bella have always spent short periods apart as one goes off exploring briefly on their own, but this longer absence worried us deeply and a search of the property was started which continued into the next day. The search ended tragically when Bella's body was found close to the Asia barn that had long been home to Tarra, her five sisters and Bella. During the time of the search our usually social Tarra chose to remain alone, watched over by concerned Caregivers.

Dr. Scott, our vet of sixteen years, examined Bella for the last time and, with advice from the experts from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, determined the probable cause of death was an attack by animals, most likely coyotes. We have sent off samples to see whether there were any other contributory causes.

Having carefully examined Bella's wounds and the place where she was found, we concluded that Bella had not been attacked near where she was found and neither could she have walked there.

As these investigations were taking place observant Caregivers, even more watchful of Tarra than usual, noticed blood on the underside of her trunk, evidence that pointed us in the direction of what likely happened that fateful night.

The most probable scenario is that during the night Bella strayed from Tarra briefly and was set upon. Tarra arrived too late to save her but was able to stop further damage being done to Bella's body. With deep sadness and deeper wonder we come to comprehend what likely happened next—that Tarra picked Bella up and carried her home.

Further evidence in support of our belief for what happened comes from Tarra herself. After Bella had been found, Caregivers ensured Tarra had every chance to inspect Bella's body before it was buried and to come to terms with her death, as this is an important part of the grieving process for elephants. But Tarra was not interested in either Bella or the group of Caregivers who would normally have drawn our inquisitive Girl to see what was happening.

It was only later when we had pieced together the whole picture that Tarra's behavior at Bella's grave made sense. Our poor, brave, loving Girl knew what had happened to her beloved Bella and, in the dark hours of the night as she carried her body home, had come to terms with her death.

Tarra's sisters will help her through her sadness. Although we cannot take away Tarra's pain immediately or the pain of all those that knew Bella, I do know Bella knew true love and true freedom. It will always be so for animals that find Sanctuary.

Rob Atkinson


We are very concerned for Tarra and the grief she must feel at the loss of Bella. Caregivers are carefully monitoring her during her time of mourning. She still has a healthy appetite, and we are sure she will lean on the support of her elephant sisters, especially Shirley, during this difficult time. 

She appears to be doing remarkably well under the circumstances, and we will, of course, keep you informed through updates in the Asian Ele-Diary and in Ele-Notes.

Please pay your tributes to Bella on her Tribute Page. We will be posting a press release shortly to the news section of the website.

“Bella, you will live on forever in our hearts. Don't worry, we will continue to look after Tarra, just as you looked after each other.” The Elephant Sanctuary Staff

Memories like these make us smile through our sadness….

Tarra and Bella in the Snow
Tarra and Bella Summertime 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I have my own little Monster High girl. I have never seen a child get so excited over a Halloween costume. And with her two teeth missing on the bottom she looks like she actually has fangs. Lets just hope she doesn't try to wear it to school. The striped tights she can wear but I don't know about the rest. She would probably get sent home to change.

So trick or treat is Thursday night and she can't wait. I can't wait to see what kind of candy she gets. Yum-O!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Needed help with my daily routine......

Found this online and it actually does help with my day to day routine...

Here’s a little explanation for each category in my worksheet.

Top 5 List:

Sometimes I have really productive days, other times I hardly get anything accomplished — can you relate?
However, even on my “bad days” I still make a good effort to complete my Top 5 List — or the MOST important things for the day. If my Top 5 List is checked off, I’ve done what needed to be done and the rest can wait until tomorrow!

Meal Plan:

I put the meal plan right next to the Top 5 List because I want to start thinking about any food I need to cook, bake, or defrost right when I wake up. This saves me a lot of stress around 5:00 pm!

Exercise and Water:

I don’t know about you, but I am REALLY bad at making time to exercise every day, and I never drink enough water. So I put these 2 items on my daily worksheet because I’m much more likely to do something if I need to “cross it off my list”. Seriously, this really works!

Other Boxes:

The left column below is pretty self explanatory – I think!  I wanted a place to write all my other daily to-do’s, appointments, things I need to buy, and notes — so I created a good-size box for each category. And the appointments box even has a place for the time!

Daily Routine:

The right column below is my personal daily routine. I obviously don’t do everything on this list every day; but on days when I’m working from home all day, I try to check every box! {I’m really competitive so it’s a great motivational tool for me!}

This simple document has helped me be more productive, more efficient, and better manage my time each day.  Plus, it’s always rewarding to look back and see everything I’ve accomplished in one day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday Morning!

Good morning everyone! Here it is Tuesday morning. The sun is shining, into the 70's today. Should be a beautiful day out. The bus has already came and Emma is on her way to school. She is such a good little student, just hope and pray that it last for years to come.

Today's agenda...I need to start getting the basement bedroom ready for Jim's friend Gerald to move in to. I have closets to clean out, books to put away, boxed up pedal car collection, etc. He will be here Wednesday but won't come here till Thursday next week. He is going to paint the bedroom and we are going to lay new carpet. Will be a nice room when we get it done.

With Gerald here it will get Jim motivated. Can't wait! There are car projects that need done, of course, but there are tons of house projects that Jim can get done with Gerald's help. Bathroom ness totally redone. Kitchen needs new floor, sink and counter tops. The cabinets are still in good shape just need refinished. Then the basement needs finished. I want another living area down there. The breezeway needs done also, I have such big plans for the whole house just have to get Jim to spend some money. Oh, we have to put a furnace in soon too since the colder months are around the corner.

It will be different having Gerald living here but we will all adjust. Eating habits might actually change for the better. Hopefully Jamie gets to come up alot.

My new job is going great. I think I am really going to like this job. Yes, it's third shift but that's the only shift that works for Jim and I. Still kicking around going to school. With Jim being older then me, I am going to have to make money to be able to support us once he retires. Plus, Emma will probably still be in school when he retires so that will take money to get her through school. Then college, I don't even want to think about that right now...so I won't.

So this life's journey is going to start getting interesting, can't wait.